Home Build a Powershell API with Pode

Build a Powershell API with Pode


I’ve tried to explain previously how to secure a backend api where I’ve used Azure functions to demonstrate how to protect it, but what if we’re not on Azure? I know you can run the Az functions anywhere with Arc for Kubernetes but here, I wanted to create something quick and simple for my demos. This is when I’ve felt in love of Pode which is a cross platforms Powershell module to help you to create websites, schedulers API and more… Because I couldn’t find a lot of resources except the great documentation(https://badgerati.github.io/Pode/Tutorials/Basics/), I’ve decided to share my experience after couple hours playing with it.


You can find the code here.

I wanted to create a “model” that I can reuse for later. Let’s focus on startpode.ps1 for now which is the masterpiece of this POC.

Import-Module -Name Pode
Import-Module './usr/psoauth2.psm1' # Not comming from the gallery

# Get environment variable from WebApp/Keyvault
$Myappsecret = $env:Myappsecret
# App Roles my API will validate
$WriteAccessRoles = @('Write.Access','Admin.Access') #Admin has access to both roles
$ReadAccessRoles = @('Read.Access','Admin.Access') #Admin has access to both roles

  1. First import both the Pode and Psoauth2 module. Both modules will be available within our web server.
  2. Then we fetch our application secret from environment variable. We will need this secret later to do the OBO/Client credential flow…
  3. Finally I declare the 3 app roles that I’ve used in my previous Az functions demo. We will need them later for the authorization check part.

Now that our parameters/variables are defined, let’s start our Pode server:

Start-PodeServer {
     #Declare global Middleware (mainly because GCP and Cloud Run does not allow you to allow specific CORS from the portal)
     Add-PodeMiddleware -Name 'MandatoryAuthorizationHeader' -ScriptBlock {
        Add-PodeHeader -Name 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' -Value '*'  # * Because it's a POC, use your specific frontend URL here
        Add-PodeHeader -Name 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' -Value 'GET, OPTIONS'
        Add-PodeHeader -Name 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' -Value 'Content-Type,Authorization'
        return $true

    # Allow the option method in each route
    Add-PodeRoute -Method Options -Path * -ScriptBlock {
        return $true

Here we define the Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS). You don’t really need this except if you plan to use this api from a website/Single Page App (which was my case). With this code, we simply say Pode to add specific headers to all our responses. Simple as that!

    #Redirect errors to terminal. Cool to have logs redirected to containers logs for tracking
    New-PodeLoggingMethod -Terminal | Enable-PodeErrorLogging
    # Configure Pode to listen on 8080 in HTTP (with localhost, you "break" Docker)
    Add-PodeEndpoint -Address * -Port 8080 -Protocol Http

Then you define how you plan to handle errors. In this case I wanted to redirect errors directly in console to catch them in the default WebApp/Cloud Run container log tracking. Next you define the bindings, port and protocols…

Pode helps you to automatically choose config file based on a specific environment:

    # Get App setting from psd1 files (can't be located outside Start-PodeServer)
    # Depending if there is an exposed environment variable called PODE_ENVIRONMENT with dev, it will take server.psd1 by default
    # https://badgerati.github.io/Pode/Tutorials/Configuration/#environments

    $Config = Get-PodeConfig # Gather Audience, TenantId, Allowed issuers

Now the big part and because it’s a POC I just wanted to spend few hours to build it. Therefore, I’ve decided to mainly copy/paste code between different role permission (Read/Write/Admin access). I’m sure there is smarter way to do it, don’t hesitate to send me some ideas :D.

# You need to be authenticated AND have a role declared in the $WriteAccessRoles array
    $WriteAccessRequired = {
        # Same as above
        $EmptyAuthorizationHeader = [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($WebEvent.Request.Headers.Authorization)
        if ($EmptyAuthorizationHeader) {
            Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 403
            return $false

            $Configs = $using:Config
            $Aud = $Configs['Audience']
            $Iss = $Configs['Issuers']  # Warning: Array

            $RequestAccessToken = $WebEvent.Request.Headers.Authorization
            $DecodedToken = ConvertFrom-Jwt -Token $RequestAccessToken
            Test-AADToken -AccessToken $RequestAccessToken -Aud $Aud -iss $Iss

            Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 403
            $_ | Write-PodeErrorLog
            return $false

        # Now token and authentication has been validated, let's validate the role
        $Authorized = $false
        [array]$Roles = $DecodedToken.TokenPayload.roles
        $Roles.ForEach({if($_ -in $using:WriteAccessRoles){$Authorized = $true}})
        if(-not $Authorized){
            Set-PodeResponseStatus -Code 401
            return $false
        } # You don't have the app role in the access token > 401

        return $true

Here we define a scriptblock we will use later in the route’s configuration. This is where we will validate our token, as I’ve explained in the previous article, we will:

  • Make sure the Authorization header is present
  • Validate that’s a bearer token
  • Grab the configuration from the server.xx.psd1 file.
  • Validate the AAD signature
  • Validate the claims
  • And validate the roles

If we don’t like something, we drop the request as usual!

Now that we’ve defined all the rules we will apply to our routes, let’s take an example:

# This route require to be authenticated AND have the write.access or Admin.Access permission
    Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/api/authorizationheaderwithwriteaccess' -Middleware $WriteAccessRequired  -ScriptBlock {
        # Get info from config file
        $Configs = $using:Config
        $Aud = $Configs['Audience']
        $TenantId = $Configs['TenantId']

        $Splatting = @{
            ClientId             = $Aud                                    # Define in server.psd1
            TenantId             = $TenantId                               # Define in server.psd1
            Scope                = 'https://graph.microsoft.com/.default'
            secret               = $using:Myappsecret                      # Define in top of this script from environement variable (using: runspace)
            verbose              = $true

        # Let's request a server to server token (should be cached and track in a DB to avoid hammering AAD)
        $Apptoken = New-APIServerToServerToken @Splatting

        #Let's now read all users tenant with this new token
        $uri = 'https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users'
        $Users = Invoke-RestMethod -ContentType 'application/json' -Headers @{'Authorization' = "Bearer $Apptoken" } -Uri $uri -Method get

        Write-PodeJsonResponse -Value $Users

Here we create a route called /api/authorizationheaderwithwriteaccess (sorry for the bad naming) where we define to use the $writeaccessRequired scriptblock Middleware created just above. For the rest, it’s like my other articles, I simply do a client credential call to Graph api using the application context and send back the result. Super easy and super clean to require authentication and authorization within your api!


For the container part, nothing fancy here. I simply pull the Alpine Powershell image, add few files into it, run Pode under a non-Root user and expose the port 8080 … You can check the Dockerfile for more info. The only “bad” part according to me is the 227 Mb generated image which is a lot … I’m currently trying to learn C# and ASP.net, let’s see in few months what will be the size of the image when I will do my multi stages…


Thank you again Matthew Kelly (@Badgerati), your module is gold and deserve more visibility. When I see what I’ve succeed to create in couple hours, I can’t imagine what we can do with it if we decide to spend some time on it. Thank you again for this great experience! See you for the next one…

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.